Hello, everyone!
I invite you all to read this article on http://www.newsweek.com/id/194604?from=rss and have in mind the following questions to guide your comprehension and encourage you to write your comments on the blog.
1) How did the journalist Mac Margolis describe Lula's participation in the Domestic and International scenario (number of embassies/ number of International trips/ number of departments in Foreign Ministry) ? What about Brazil's participation ?(G5/BRIC/peacekeeping mission/ trade with Latin countries and USA) . What do you think?
2) What is your view on Brazil having military expenditures stagnant compared to other countries?
3) Do you agree on what was said about Fernando Henrique Cardoso? Why?
4) What about WTO rules in favor of Brazil? Was Lula responsible for that?
5) Do you think the journalist was partial or impartial when talking about Lula and Brazil? Give examples from the article.
6) Is there any relevant piece of information that you disagree on? Why?
Hope you all take this very chance to post your ideas in writing. Have a nice work!
Best wishes of fun with writing!