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Be tuned to the American Presidential Elections 2016! NOw it's the Democrats Debate of Oct.13th, 2015!

Click here to get to know who is who in the next USA Presidential Elections of 2016
On this site, below each picture, you'll see a link-sentence: What ...(name)....would need to do to win. 
Click there and read a little more about the candidates.

Hello, dearest students.

Hope you are all fine.

Let's warm up the cold weather in September by taking part in this discussion. Everyone knows how important the American economy is to us and the choice of the right president will make a big difference to all of us. Do you agree with me?

So, I propose this post in order to have your view on the American candidates and discuss which ones - Democratic or Republican - will be better for the USA as well as Brazil and the rest of the world.

FYI, this is the US map by states supporting either party:

The blue states are Democratic and the red ones, Republican

Below, you'll see some links which will guide you to the following topics:

1) How the American presidential election system works  - It's worth to discuss it in class.

2) Watch the Republican Debate of Sep. 16, 2015.  - Choose the ones you feel will have more chances to win.

3) Democrats' Debate - Part I - Introduction
Democrats' Debate - Part II
Democrats' Debate - Part III - Guns
Democrats' Debate - Part IV - Iraq
Democrats' Debate - Part V - Benghazi.Libya
Democrats' Debate - Part VI - Clinton's email problems
Democrats'Debate - Part VII - Government credibility on Clinton's email
Democrats' Debate - Part VIII - Wall Street Crash
Democrats'Debate - Part IX - Financial Sector
Democrats' Debate - Part X - Obama Care    
Democrats'Debate - Part XI - Why should Democrats embrace a political insider + Climate Change
Democrats'Debate - Part XII - Paid family leave + Legalization of recreational marijuana 
Democrats' Debate - Part XIII - Which enemy are you mostly proud of?
Democrats' Debate - Closing statements
Democrats' Debate - Closing statements
In class, I'll discuss your choices and then, later, you'll write your comment here in order for your virtual friend to read it and comment on it, afterwards.

Let's make the best  use of this blog  to boost your English practice!!

Count on your hot participation!




Hello, everyone!!
Este curso de 5 meses visa abordar áreas fundamentais na comunicação em negócios. Veja os módulos abaixo: 

Módulo IFOUNDATION (Opinion, Suggestion, Job and Company)

Módulo II: TELEPHONING (Answering, Taking a message, Appointment, Checking an order)

Módulo III: MEETINGS (Clarification, Interruptions, Action Points, Presentations, Summarizing)

Acesse os links:

Inscreva-se já!

Best regards,

Flávia Uhlmann


Ghost Boy: Meet Martin Pistorius who spent 8 years trapped inside a paralysed body

Dear all,

Happy 2015!

Let's start the year with a great story of self-overcoming. Hope you enjoy it!

Below, you'll have access to some links to get to know this amazing life story performed by South-African webdesigner Martin Pistorius.

The linguistic purpose is to read, listen, watch, write here on the blog by giving your answers on the comment box and also speak in class.

Count on your participation to make use of English in full communication.

Hope to see you  all here and in class.



My suggestion:

1) Start reading the article on Meet Martin Pistorius and get the main facts. 

 what to do you find most amazing about his story?

2) Now, let's listen to his parents and get more details on Locked-in Man
You can read the script on Locked-in Man script .

Take notes of the most important parts of the interview in your opinion and say why you think so.

3) Then, watch an interview together with his wife Joanna on 

What Martin's answer or answers did you find most moving? Why?