How are you doing, everyone?
In October, I'll suggest 2 activities :
- for my Intermediate and Upper students: a Translation Contest
- for my Basic students: to study Small Talk situations for later practice on the blog.
Do you take this challenge? I hope so.
Intermediate and Upper Level students:
You'll have to translate the following sentences from Portuguese into English, giving special attention to the underlined word or expressions.
Let's see who can best get near the English corresponding structure. Google translator is definitely prohibited. See the clues later on.
a) Não vai demorar muito para que as pessoas viagem para o espaço.
b) As pessoas de classes sociais mais baixas não conseguem nem seu ganha-pão, quanto mais participar de projetos sociais.
c)Mal ele entrou na sala e todos começaram a chorar.
d) Uma vez que o governo aprovou a medida, todos se revoltaram.
e) Ele está familiarizado com seu novo trabalho.
f) Se você estiver ciente dos termos, favor assinar este documento em 2 vias.
(you can't use IF or WHETHER)
SOME CLUES: ........ long.......before; ....... alone; .........-bread; ........sooner; ........long.......; given..........; ............into the swing; should........;
Basic students:
As you browse the link below, you'll see lots of links with titles like:
- asking for information
- apologizing
- expressing sympathy
- getting people's attention
- greeting people in English,etc.
After you study them, I invite you to choose some or all (LOL!) of them to build up dialogs with your virtual friends.
This is just an initiative of a virtual interaction. Hope you buy the idea.
My best wishes of a great time and fun with English.