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Is the Swine Flue a Swindle? Is the vaccine shot a problem? Russian Dr. Rauni L. L.Kilde talks about it!

Dearest students,

There is always the other side of the story.

So, I invite you all to first watch the interview of 6 minutes with Dr. Kilde and then to start posting your opinion on the matter.

The other video link is to deepen your knowledge on this Russian doctor on a variety of topics.

Dr. Rauni Kelde's interview on the Swine Flue (6')

Dr. Rani Kilde's view on Mind Control, UFO and Swine Flue ( 36 ')

Scary, really scary! Or not??

Hope to see you here, guys. Let's have fun with writing in English!

Best wishes,


9 comentários:

  1. Hello I'm Érika, dentist, and I work at FMUSP Telemedicine Discipline. I disagree with Dr. Kilde because I don't believe that people can be so bad to plan the killing of so many people around the world. So if everything is all about money, why have they waited one year to send or to sell the vaccines? For me, this Doctor should bring us scientific evidences to explain her point of wiev, not only impressions or convictions. I believe that WHO is a serious entity that works for the people not for the money. That is what I believe. And you, what do you believe in?

  2. Hi, everybody

    My name is Rosângela (I'm dentist - FMUSP Telemedicine) and I disagree with doctor Kilde because I think this swine flue vaccine will benefit many people.

    By the way, a long time ago we dentists used mercury and silver alloy to fix the teeth when they had tooth decay. Therefore, these emails, that talk about mercury and the flue, I believe aren't right.

    Well, do you agree with me?



  3. Hi,

    I'm Maíra (journalist). I don't believe in what Dr. Kilde says. First of all, I think it's almost impossible to diminish world population to 5 billion people. It's too many people and the alert of mass killing would spread before everybody could take de vaccine. Human kindness has to be taken into account too. Men can do some terrible things, like bombs, nazi experiments, wars and torture . However, I think that one thing is killing your enemies; another is killing 2/3 of the woooorld population, including children, women, men, old, young. It is too many lives to be taken away. I really don't believe that a group of men could plan such devil work.

    Another point is the vaccine components. Vaccines and medicines are made of toxic elements. Vaccines have a weak virus to stimulate antibodies production. So, of course, Swine flue vaccine will have the Swine virus (well, I'm not sure about the bird one!). However, it doesn't mean that this is going to kill us.

    And I also think it is acceptable the feeling of sickness after taking the vaccine. If you see, our body has to recognize the threat to produce the antibodies. Then, you may feel sick. So it is nothing more than nature work.

    The e-mails about mercury and other toxic substances on the vaccine is also unecessary panic. When it comes to medicines, we have to think about chemistry. Everything in high level may be bad for our health. But some medicines to control hypertension are made of snake poison (some elements can slow down your heart beat).
    Furthermore, I strongly believe that there are a lot of variants to be considered when we talk about diseases. It depends on the imune system, genetic predisposition etc. So, the disease and the vaccine side effects depend from person to person.

    Lastly, Dr. Kilde doesn't show evidences or studies (she made them) that could prove her arguments. So, how can we believe in what she is saying?

    Think about it!


  4. Hello, everyone.

    Here is Lígia (director's assistant at Cunningham Lindsay)

    I´m the kind of person who doesn´t believe in the need of some drugs, as for example, the H1N1 vaccine. When a city is in a pandemic situation, then the government has to take control of this with vaccination in large scale. But I´m not convinced that a program, by having healthy people taking this injection, could totally prevent the desease, and I think that it´s questionable the virus side effects in each body.

    When Dr. Rauni Kilde mentioned that someone is always taking advantage of this, by all means, the big pharmas, I agree. But, on the other hand, I think that she has a very extreme position when alleging that it´s only a scary program, only propaganda.

    I believe in the efforts of good scientists to eradicate some disease.

    Do you share the same view?

  5. Este comentário foi removido por um administrador do blog.

  6. Hello guys,

    I totally agree with everybody, but I'm much more outraged with her.

    This woman's ideas are the conspiration theory at its highest level. It only could fit in a James Bond evil character story. I could not imagine the possibility of such a thing to come true.

    These points of view have no evidence or logical sense.

    Someone has to rat on her to spread out that the swine flue vaccine is dangerous and concieved to eliminate 2\3 of the world population. It should be considered a crime.

    Speeches like this could create panic and induce people not to protect themselves to a potential danger.

    Fortunaly, her ideas are so crazy that even the most elementary instructed people should not believe in it.


  7. Dear friends.

    When we listen to Dr. Kilde´s speech, it´s possible to imagine how crazy a person can be and even how he or she can affect the mind of people who doesn´t keep up on latest world news and doesn´t have a reasonable sense of opinion.
    It´s not necessary to hash Dr. kilde´s ideas out to realize that they´re some of these conspiration theories that, from time to time, are spread on e-mails spams or in sensationalist magazines.
    Therefore, it´s important to follow the government health policies and take the vaccine, because if you get down with the swine flu, probably Dr. Kilde will not help you.

    See ya.


  8. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  9. Hello everyone,

    I'm Pedro - Electrical Engineer

    This discussion is very polemic because it involves people and they fear something.As soon as Dr Kilde says that the swine flue vaccine is dangerous,it triggers a series of contrary opinions.

    To me, she tells the truth when she refers to the pharmaceuticals influence, as I've read about how they make drug experiments whith people from poor countries.

    Finally, she exaggereted about the elimination of 2/3 of world population and this should not be taken seriously. However, I'm not sure if I take or not the vaccine.

    How about you?

