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Discrimination or Not?: Banning Burka Wearing in France and other issues! Are they legal?

Hello, everyone!

Long time, no see you here! 

But now, there are some controversial issues happening in the world I'd like to have your view on.

It's not only French Burka Ban recently portrayed on the media, but also what to say about Crucifixes and Bibles removed or not from Schools and Courtrooms in Europe and Peru, respectively ?

The following videos and/or reading material will give you ideas to form your opinion for or against these legal issues. Try to answer these questions:

1) Are you for or against these measures? Why?
2) If you are against, what should be done to solve it?
3) If you are in favor, what aspects exactly can support your opinion, other than the video or articles you saw or read?

If you know of any other example of prejudice/ discrimination, please share with us, so that we can better argue and counterargue here.

I look forward to your eager participation on the blog in the next weeks!! Be my guest!

Ta-ta (British for bye-bye) for now.


1)  French Burka Ban
2)  Women wearing burka detained in France

3) European Court on Crucifix in Public Schools
4) Peru Court on Crucifix in Courtrooms

7 comentários:

  1. Hi people,

    I'm Mari, webdesigner for the Telemedicine dept.
    Talking about the burka ban, I understand the French government when they decided to ban the burka because it's a way to prevent terrorism. On the other hand, this fact is against a cultural belief, as they (French gnvt.) want to change something that is part of their (Muslim) daily life.

    And you, do you agree on this situation?

    ta-ta and I wish you all a Happy Easter!

  2. I’m Rogério, lawyer at Lotti e Araújo Law Firm. In both cases, it is a question of tolerance. On the burka case, as well as on the crucifix ban, the culture arguments must prevail. In the western world, our social life was created taking into account the cultural principles. The same way our entire legislation, technically speaking, is structured by the social life. Therefore, I disagree on any kind of ban.
    What do you think?

  3. Hi everybody... I'm Fabiano, a law guy as Rogerio, and I'm glad to participate in this kind of discussion...

    According to our friend Rogerio, we should accept all kinds of behavior because any kind of ban, as he said, could not be enforced.

    Well, in my opinion, there are some situations in which some principles must prevail in contrast to others, which means that some kinds of behavior can´t be put up with or encouraged by the law or the society. Let´s think, for example, in a small community that believes, according to their peculiar interpretation of the Scriptures, that blood transfusion is against God´s desire. In this situation, what should we do if someone of this community gets sick and needs blood to survive? What principle must prevail: freedom of religion or life?

    Well, the answer seems to be the second one, of course, the most important. Therefore, in my opinion, we have to analyse case by case to see if some kind of ban is reasonable or not...

    Thus, my dear peers, what do you think of that? I´d like to see other points of view ona this issue...

  4. Hello, guys.

    Here are Maíra and Diogo, journalists from Telemedicine (FMUSP).

    It's complicated!

    First, we agree that each case should be analysed individually. For example, we were discussing the law problem, but as Fabiano said, we may have medical issues too. In case of a car crash or any kind of emergency, when the victim is unconscious, who should decide what to do: the doctor, the religion or cultural principles?

    Just to provoke, the doctor had taken their oath to protect life. And so what?

    On the burka issue, they - the French gvnt and Muslims - must be flexible in order to preseve everyone's culture.For example, to allow the veil but not the whole body cover.

    Of course, this is a millenary question that will not be solved that simple.

    Happy Easter to the Catholics, and see you on Friday for those who are not... ;)

  5. Hello everyone,

    Here is Pamela from Philips Healthcare, without Abimael, my coleague who is on vacation... LOL ....

    Well this subject is polemic,isn´t it?

    I can´t form an opnion, however, I can undertand both sides:

    The Country - If they analyse all points, like tourism, market and job opportunities,even though the government decided to prohibit the Burka, we have to respect it! Therefore, they´re protecting the population from terrorism.

    The religion - The muslim people suffer the consequence of a small group that pratices terrorism. In the end, are all of women explosives? Do you know one?

    On one hand, France forgets the princple of the French Revolution : Liberty,equality and fraternity.

    The alternative is to modernize the Burka, isn´t it?

    What do you think?

    That´s all!

  6. Hi guys, this is Abimael from Philips HealthCare...

    I'm against any kind of prohibition. Of course, there is a common sense that needs to be respected...Anyway, the women that wear the Burka, aren´t they obliged to wear that? The law is obliging them to not wear a thing that they are obliged to....too anyone seen the burkini ???

    Bye, guys...

  7. Hello, everyone.

    This is Adriana (Brabus HR manager)

    This subject is very controversial because it involves politics and religion.

    The French government is considering only their needs, and using the liberty cause as an excuse for their attitude.

    Are they thinking about the repression that these women will suffer if they don’t wear the burka? Or will these women stay home losing the freedom to come and go?

    In my opinion, banning the burka is a delay in global thinking of equality. Because it was done by imposing and not with the conviction and the agreement of all people involved.

    If France is really worried about the oppression of this religion requirement, why not to do a research to understand what these women think about?

    Best regards to you all.
