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RIO 2016 OLYMPICS - Let's be up-to-date and blog around

Hello everyone!

Long time, no see you!! 

But now, we have a good purpose to meet again.

Despite all the fuss about our President's impeachment process, the Rio 2016 Olympics will happen from August 05 to 21. Are you ready to get familiar with the vocabulary and discuss on the event?

Let's first browse the official site:

1) The Olympics Games and Schedule

NBC Article on Challenging and Fun Facts about the Olympics:

2) Rio's Governor Declares ' State of Calamity' ahead of Olympic Games

3) 16 Fun Facts about Rio 2016 Olympics

Professor Ulisses Wehby gives all the Sports pronunciation and valuable tips:

3) How to pronounce the sports and general vocabulary

For our discussion, now answer the following questions on COMMENTS: 

What are your favorite sports and why? 

Are you going to the event? If so, what games are you going to watch? 

Hope you like participating on the blog and share your thoughts with more virtual friends to enlarge your networking in English.



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